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Suspension of benefits in the "working spouses" category

Peiraius 21/06/2023

Prot. Num. 1700


To the Insured and Beneficiaries of the Fund

Dear Colleagues,

In previous updates, we have informed you that the financial situation of our Fund is in decline.

This is mainly due to the fact that a large portion of the insured do not comply with their financial obligations arising from the statute.

The Management with a sense of responsibility, even though article 27 of the statute gives it the right to take measures, considered it appropriate to bring the matter to the General Assembly held on 19/6/23 at the EBEP, which with the consent of all of the trade union factions decided, due to the unfavorable financial situation of the Fund, to suspend the benefits of the "working spouses" category, which includes working or retired indirect members in Energy and Pensioners, for a period of six (6) months from 1/7/23.

After the expiration of the 6 months, the Board of Directors will reassess the financial capabilities of the Fund for the continuation or non-continuation of the benefits of this category.

Finally, we point out that all of the statutory benefits of the Fund are described in the website : and we consider that it is in the interest of all members of TAPEPA to strengthen our Fund.

In any case, the Management and the staff of the Fund are at the disposal of all members for any useful and relevant clarification or information.


With friendly greetings

For the board of directoes

       Ο Πρόεδρος                 The Gen. Secretary